Planting & Establishing Trees
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July 24, 2023All About Tree Roots in Dunnellon, FL
Tree roots are a vital part of the growth of any type of tree, shrub, or plant you see. What you don’t see is what is underneath the growth. The roots provide all the nutrients, water, and more for the plant or tree to thrive in any condition. However, it’s important to know about tree roots, how they grow, what types there are, and what can cause issues with your trees. With the professional tree services here at Dusty’s Tree Service, you can learn all this and so much more!
We take time to go through the root growth process with you, inspect your trees and roots to ensure they are healthy, and provide solutions if they aren’t. Check out the information below and see what you need to know for your healthy, thriving property to continue.
Tree Roots and Their Purpose
When it comes to roots from your tree, you’ll typically find them within 1 to 24 inches below the surface of the soil. They also will occupy up to four times the diameter of the crown of the tree. Trees bring in oxygen, water, and nutrients to the trees to assist with healthy growth. They are also the anchor to the ground for the tree as it continues to grow higher. This is especially important to make sure that the root structure is healthy as trees can get quite tall. They can cause massive damage to homes or property when toppling over due to a poor root structure.
The roots help not only with storing water during the summer but also storing necessary nutrients during the winter to make sure trees survive.
Two Types of Roots and What They Do
There are two main types of tree roots. First, you have the larger perennial root system. Second, you have the short-lived, much smaller feeder root system. Both root systems play a role in keeping the tree healthy and alive.
Perennial Roots
Perennial roots are what you find anywhere from 6 to 24 inches below the surface of the soil. These roots are large in size and grow horizontally out from the tree. They can sometimes go as deep as seven feet in the soil if the conditions are just right. These roots help to hold water, conduct minerals throughout the tree, and help to store food and water during winter or harsh times of drought. They also are the anchorage to the tree to help it stay grounded and in place.
You can see from the video the two different kinds of roots that a tree has. The small ones are Feeder Roots, and the larger ones that come straight from the trunk are the Perennial Roots.
Feeder Roots
The feeder roots are much smaller, only averaging around 1/16 of an inch in diameter. They grow out and up from the larger perennial roots. The primary focus of these roots is to get food and water to the tree itself. Feeder roots are short-lived and die out to be replaced frequently. Having the two types of root systems on each tree helps it to stay healthy and prevent loss of nutrients or water.
How Do Roots Grow?
Roots grow as long as there is adequate water, nutrients, and soil voids to help them push through and expand. Most often times roots grow out from the tree and can reach up to four times the diameter of the crown of the tree itself. Roots will only grow if there is adequate space in the soil for them to push through and keep expanding. If the soil is too moist, it can cause problems with the growth. It’s important to work with a team of tree professionals to make sure your roots are growing healthy and strong.
Where Roots Grow
The roots of a tree will grow out, upward, and horizontally to the tree itself. The growth will depend on the soil compaction around the tree itself. If the soil is too tightly packed or too moist, it can cause issues with the roots. When there are root issues, it can cause the tree to die off early or even topple over due to weak anchorage.
Roots are going to grow best where there are plenty of nutrients, water, and oxygen they can acquire from the area around them. The soil temperature and compaction also determine the growth rate and productivity of the root structure.
Causes of Root Injury & Disease
There are many ways you can end up injuring a tree root, even if you’re super careful. That’s why it is vital to have a team such as the one at Dusty’s Tree Service to assist you. Knowing the type of soil, the ways you can damage tree roots if not careful, and what to look for with disease is vital in making sure you have a thriving, healthy tree population.
One way trees are injured is due to the soil used around the tree. For starters, hard, heavy clay can cause more compacted soil making it more difficult for tree roots to grow. This soil compaction can actually limit the amount of water and nutrients that get to the tree itself; thus, stunting growth. It’s important to use topsoil for trees around your new addition rather than heavy clay.
Uneven depth of the soil around the tree itself can also cause damage. This is because the tree does not have an equal area to proportionally grow its roots. One side may be able to provide an abundant amount of nutrients and water, while the tother side won’t have access.
Under or overwatering are also the culprit of causing root injury or disease. Too much water fills the spaces around the tree root so it can’t grow while underwatering can make it difficult to get the proper amount into the root system.
The depth of the soil around the tree changes, thus exposing the main root system to the elements.
Prevention of Injury & Disease
The biggest way you can prevent disease or injury is to keep a healthy root system in place at all times. This environment consists of making sure there is plenty of space for the root system to grow adequately with the proper nutrition and water in place.
Make sure to avoid any type of activity that would damage the roots such as changing the soil depth, using heavy clay, or not using proper water and fertilizing measurements. Make sure your fertilizing methods are in the spring right after leaf expansion to get the best timing possible.
Call a Trained Professional
Working with Dusty’s Tree Service can help you make sure your root system is growing properly. Contact us today to have an evaluation performed on your root system. We look forward to assisting you!