Tree Trimming Tips: Don’t Let Limbs Hang Over The Roof!
September 24, 2021CODIT: How Trees Defend Themselves
December 13, 2021The trees on your property are a beautiful addition to your home. They provide protection from the sun, aesthetic qualities, and even increase the property value in most cases. However, there are times that your trees can cause issues. They can become an eyesore or even risky if they are dead and strong storms come through. That’s why it is vital to know how to identify a problem with the trees in the yard. The best way to do that is working with tree experts such as those here at Dusty’s Tree Service.
We provide affordable tree service options such as stump removal, tree pruning, and getting rid of sick or dying trees. We take time to find out what the root cause of the issue is and if the tree can be saved. We also strive to stop the spread of any disease, fungus, or pest issues that may be on the property.
Learning how we identify a problem tree below will help you to understand the process and what to expect when you work with our team. Also, below you’ll find some common tree issues here in Florida that you may be unaware of.
Process Of Identifying A Problem Tree
The process of pinpointing a trouble tree is a detailed routine that we go through when we arrive at your home. This is the first part of getting the shrubs, plants, and trees back to a healthy state. Unhealthy trees can pose a real risk when storms come through or even just a brisk wind. Trees that are problem areas can fall on the home, on vehicles, or damage other areas of the property before you realize there was even an issue. Taking time to evaluate the property and finding problem trees sooner than later helps to prevent that from happening.
Our team of tree pruning experts will arrive at your home to go through all the concerns you have. We also take time to evaluate the trees on the property to find out what is causing the most concern and why.
The steps we use to evaluate your property include:
- Examining The Tree – What type of tree is of concern? Each type of tree has its own issues that can arise from root rot to beetles or fungus. We also examine the leaves for signs of distress or infections. The leaves may have holes or jagged edges, look scorched, or even abnormally colored. We also take a look at the branches and the trunk to find out if there’s visible damage.
- Take a Look at The Roots – When was the tree planted? How deep were the roots planted? Has there been a lot of rain or is it extremely dry? Has there been an injury to the root structure of the tree? These are just some of the questions we dive into to assist in determining the issue of the problem.
- Other Questions – We also consider other factors such as what type of care is the tree receiving? are other plants around the area are affected? What type of soil are they using? And what damage is visible? All of these help us to get closer to a conclusion on how to treat the problem and what you’re dealing with.
Common Tree Issues
There are several common issues here in Florida that can arise affecting your trees. Having our professional tree service company come out and inspect them can help you get a solution in place quickly.
A few of the common problems we see with properties around the area include:
- Root Rot – The most common form of root rot here in Florida is Armillaria tabescens. Commonly known as mushroom root rot, this fungus prevents the tree from properly taking in water. If you start to notice a decline in the health of the tree or groups of yellow or honey-colored mushrooms, these are the signs you have a problem. That means the fungus is already taking over the tree. This is where our tree removal service comes in. We can get rid of the infected tree as this is the only way to deal with it once the signs start to show.
- CODIT – CODIT, or Compartmentalization Of Decay in Trees, is a way trees try to protect themselves when damage has taken place. This is a natural type of defense system when a tree has been injured or a fungus is trying to invade. There are four walls that the tree can rebuild, depending on the makeup of the tree, to help protect itself from further decay or damage. It’s important to have our team take a look to see if tree pruning is necessary or if other services are needed. By keeping an eye on a tree that has had damage, you can prevent further issues such as it falling or causing damage.
- Pine Bark Beetles – These bugs attack the tree they take up residence in and damage it severely when left untreated. It’s important to take note of any changes of leaves, boring dust or holes in the tree, and any other concerning issues you may have seen. The sooner that these bugs are detected, the sooner they can be removed and stopped from damaging other trees on the property. An infestation can happen quickly and having affordable tree service on your side is key in preventing it.
Call a Trained Professional
One of the best ways to help stop issues with your trees or find a problem tree sooner than later is by working with the experts here at Dusty’s Tree Service. We take time to provide a full inspection of the trees on your property and help construct a plan to get them healthy and looking beautiful once again.