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August 19, 2021Avoid Emergency Tree Removal by Preparing for Florida’s Hurricane Season.
Even with a simple summer thunderstorm, trees in your yard that haven’t been checked can be a potential hazard. It’s important that you work with a team such as Dusty’s Tree Service to make sure you have affordable tree service to ensure your property’s protected. Preparation for the hurricane season means more than simply battening down the hatches. It means being proactive in ensuring not only your home but your family is protected as well.
Preparing your yard for hurricane season means that the first thing you should do is get an inspection. As part of our tree services, we can inspect your yard and land for a variety of items.
Tree Issues We Inspect to Avoid Emergency Tree Removal:
Cavities In Your Tree
If there’s a hole in the tree, it could be a potential issue. For example, if it is located at the lower part of the trunk, it could cause the tree to fall over in high winds. If it’s a larger area or the tree is decaying, it could break if the wind is high enough. You may even have branches broken off depending on where the location is at. That’s why it’s important to have your trees inspected.
Leaning Trees
You may have noticed a leaning tree in your yard or that the tree has shifted in which way it leans. That is why you call in professional tree service inspectors to determine if the lean is an issue. Typically, you do not want the lean to exceed 45 degrees. That is because it has a higher chance of falling over when it goes beyond that.
You don’t want to call us for emergency tree removal when the limbs fall on your property when the winds are 35 miles per hour. If you detect that the tree is leaning over further or that it has changed, be sure to call in the experts. The tree should be removed to ensure no damage during a storm.
Split Trees
Have you noticed a split tree in your yard? Perhaps it was there when you bought the home, and you haven’t thought about it again. Splits can happen for a variety of reasons. This could be because two trunks have grown together or even a branch and a trunk have started growing. Whatever the cause is, it represents a point of weakness in the tree itself. Having a professional tree service come out and investigate is vital.
Root Rot
Some of the popular trees here in the area are prone to root rot. These include Water oaks, Laurel oaks, Blue Jacks, and turkey oaks to name a few. Different root fungi can begin to grow and rot the roots right out from under the tree itself. It’s vital that if this is reported that you have the tree removed from the property. When a tree is losing it’s root structure, it is much easier to blow over even in winds that aren’t as high as a hurricane can bring.
Co-Dominate Leads
A codominant lead is simply where one tree has multiple main trunks that are very similar in size. The issue with these situations are bark inclusion. That means that the tree itself has a weak spot. Weak spots can cause trees to come down on your home, vehicles, or property faster than you may realize. Typically, those trees that have a “U” shape to them are fine to leave where they are. However, those with a more solid “V” shape will split in two. That’s why it is important to employ tree services to determine the best course of action for any co-dominate lead trees you may have.
Has The Tree Healed Itself? – Whenever a tree has been wounded, it will try to heal itself. Bark will regrow over the wound and cover the top of the issue. However, if the bark doesn’t cover the issue all the way, the tree will actually start to rot. This can lead to integrity issues in the tree itself and cause a problem of it coming down on your land.
One of the best things you can do right now to safeguard your property is to call the office to set up a tree inspection. The licensed arborist can come out and inspect the trees lining your property to ensure that it’s safe for hurricane season. You can discuss any concerns you have with our tree professionals. Whether you need our tree trimming service, tree cutting service, or tree removal service, we’re here to help.
A thorough inspection will allow you to have peace of mind. Just as you prepare the inside of your home with extra food, water, and first aid items, be sure to protect the outside as well. It is much better to have a tree inspection now than to wait for the cleanup after the storm.
Call a Trained Professional
Contact Dusty’s Tree Service today for a thorough inspection of all your property trees, shrubs, roots and more. Not only can we get you ready for hurricane season, but we can also provide expert tree stump removal, tree cutting service, and tree trimming. Don’t hesitate to reach out today if you need professional service to prepare your home for any upcoming storms.